Photo exhibit "Les mondes parallèles"

From May 16 to November 3, 2024

Discover the creations of Michel Jolyot, regional photographer, inspired by the vine stocks of Champagne and Vaucluse, the tree bark of the Montagne de Reims and the Ardennes forest, lichens... These Worlds are populated by creatures and fantastic shapes. We can evoke certain creations of the Belgian writer and painter Henri Michaux, or the Rorschach test (the Swiss psychiatrist Hermann Rorschach developed a psychological evaluation tool just a century ago which he called "free interpretation of fortuitous forms"). This exhibition benefits from the support of the Champagne Hillsides, Houses and Cellars Mission, World Heritage.

Locate the lighthouse

For more information: 03 26 07 87 87 or mail

illustrtion de l'esposition photos les mondes parallèles

Sensory tasting, memory of bubbles

June 23, September 21 and Spetember 22, 2024

Discover a new way to taste champagne through your five senses. On the program, an hour of relaxation and surprise to re-discover this richness of our territory.
The workshop is open to all, no knowledge required. Several sessions are offered:

  • Sunday, June 23 at 4pm
  • Saturday, September 21 at 11am and 3pm
  • Sunday, September 22 at 11am and 3pm

💶 Ticket : 25 € per person including museum visit and champagne tasting

Locate the lighthouse

Informations and reservation : 03 26 07 87 87 or mail

visuel mémoire de bulles

A summer at the lighthouse

From June 23 to September 22

The summer picnic concerts return this year.

Locate the lighthouse

Informations and reservation : 03 26 07 87 87 or mail

visuel un été au phare

Virtual visit

Full screen